Strong partnership: EOSC Symposium 2024 in cooperation with the Open Science Conference

21.10.2024 - 23.10.2024 | Open Science

The international EOSC Symposium will take place in Berlin in 2024. 450 experts from research and research infrastructures as well as representatives of European science policy are expected in Berlin to present concrete results, discuss new ideas and promote the future of Open Science in Europe.

The high thematic synergies with the EOSC Symposium 2024 have inspired the Open Science Conference to join forces with this outstanding event, in order to jointly strengthen the topic of Open Science. Specifically, the ZBW-session “Bringing Open Science into action: The role of educating young researchers” will enrich the programme of the EOSC Symposium by focusing on the importance of integrating Open Science into the training of young researchers. It is essential to raise awareness of open practices, such as data publishing in the sense of FAIR/Open Data from the early stages of doctoral training and to impart the necessary skills.



Open Science
Strong partnership: EOSC Symposium 2024 in cooperation with the Open Science Conference
21.10.2024 - 23.10.2024
Open Science
Berlin & online
21.-23. Oktober 2024