Virtual Round Table on Open Science and the EOSC Landscape

2023-06-05 | OSA & TU Vienna (Project “Skills4EOSC”)

The Virtual Round Table was primarily aimed at researchers, staff in research service institutions and libraries, data stewards and others.

Topics such as “What can I contribute to Open Science? What supports and services can I use? What does EOSC mean for my research?” were  highlighted and discussed in the round table.

You can find the programme here.


Microbiome research and the meaning of Open Science 

Birgit Wassermann and Gabriele Berg
Technical University  Graz
Institute of Environmental Biotechnology

EOSC in a nutshell

Barbara Sánchez
Technical University Vienna

The Need of Skills for Open Science

Alicia Fátima Gómez Sánchez, PhD
Technical University Vienna

OSA & TU Vienna (Projekt “Skills4EOSC”)
Virtual Round Table on Open Science and the EOSC Landscape
OSA & TU Wien (Project "Skills4EOSC")
05/ 06/ 2023