The festival is for newcomers, interested parties, and experts alike and aims to facilitate interactions and exchanges in various forms. Whether you are a student or a scientist, a research manager or a decision-maker, a science journalist or an interested member of the public, the Rhine-Main Universities cordially invite you to Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz from September 17 to 18, 2024.
You will find:
- A first-rate keynote and panel discussions on the opportunities and challenges of Open Science with national and international experts
- Ignite Talks about the successes and stumbling blocks of Open Science practice
- Workshops with practicing members of the Open Science community
- A “poster slam” to get to know a variety of projects from Open Science enthusiasts
- A marketplace with lots of information about Open Science
- A speed networking event to get to know other participants
This year’s Open Science Festival is our take on a concept from the Netherlands. The first German festivals took place in Hannover and Cologne.